18 July 2006



Hmm, this orange-banana-strawberry juice has interesting optical properties. You can see the turbulence. How does it work?

I'm not really sure, but here's my best guess. It would seem there are some small particles (or molecules) that have different reflective properties according to their orientation. They also have a strong tendency to align in a specific direction. When the turbulence dissipates (rather quickly since the juice is a bit "thick"), the juice has a uniform look. Maybe the particles have a denser part and some kind of lighter "tail" that is more easily dragged around. In any case, I had never seen or heard of such a fluid. Quite cool.

"Nasal crinkle" The title of a spam I received recently. Obviously, it contains "tips" on buying a certain stock to make lots of money... Sure, I trust you Nasal crinkle!

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